Contact the Sean Mann Outdoors Field Team
Interested in Becoming a Sean Mann Outdoors Field Team Member?
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Dave Douville, Field Marshall ordsotrtire@aol.comDavid has been a waterfowl hunter for over 20 years. He lives in Lewisberry, PA with his wife and two children. He has been the Field Marshall for SMO for 10 years, Pro-Team for Final Approach, and past Chairman of the World Goose Calling Contest in Easton, MD. He has also judged many calling contests. David is the president of Ord’s OTR Tire Service, Inc. |
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Matt Odle, Field”Go-to” goose call: Eastern Shoreman “Go-to” duck call: Double Trouble Home state: UtahMatt Odle has pursued watefowl for more than 20 years and brings a ton of experience to our team! Matt enjoys chasing down greenheads and big Canada’s throughout the season and loves to get ’em locked up from the sweet sounds of his favorite calls, a Double Trouble and an Eastern Shoreman. Matt resides in American Fork, UT and can be reached via email most all the time. If you’re in need of some help and in Matt’s area, shoot him an email and he’ll be glad to get back to you as soon as he can! |
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Rick Kennedy, Field Team”Go-to” goose call: Acrylic White Front “Go-to” duck call: Guide XT Double TroubleHome state: CaliforniaRick Kennedy has hunted and fished all his life. He has hunted Big Game in Idaho, Wyoming and all over California along with upland game and waterfowl. Rick started hunting and fishing with his Father and Grandfather as soon as he could walk. In 1996, he started a guide service, Tight Lines Guide Service based in Grass Valley,California.Rick has been labeled by the fishing industry as one of the top Kokanee Salmon guides in California. He has also gained the same type of notoriety on Eagle Lake fishing for the trophy trout found in this lake. Over the last three years he has also expanded his guiding to the Feather and Sacramento rivers for Salmon and Steelhead. Rick fishes and guides on most of northern California’s lakes.In 2002, Tight Lines again expanded its guiding business by offering both upland Game and Waterfowl hunts to his clients in conjunction with fishing or better know as Cast & Blast. At the same time we he started providing guided hunts in the Sacramento Valley for Ducks and Geese.Rick is a lifetime member for California Inland Fisheries Foundation and the California Waterfowl Association and a member of Ducks Unlimited and the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, along with being a member of SCI. Rick has been a regular guest on California Sportsman radio every Saturday morning for the past 10 years. Rick is Pro Team for G-Loomis Rods, Rapala, Pautzkes Bait Company, Sep’s Pro Fishing, Cannon Downriggers, and Hummingbird fish finders, Rouge Jet Boats, Uncle Larry’s Lures, Sunny’s Electric Marine and Final Approach. |
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Dave Barnes, Field Team”Go-to” goose call: Eastern Shoreman “Go-to” duck call: Big Water Home state: PennsylvaniaDave Barnes has been actively pursuing waterfowl and contest calling for over twenty years. He has the honor of being the first 3 time PA state duck calling champion and winner of the inaugural Eastern U.S. Open Regional, competing in the World’s Duck Calling Contest in Stuttgart Arkansas four times. He also carves cork gunnin’ decoys and wooden decorative slicks and competes in many decoy carving contests. Dave thoroughly enjoys being associated with Sean Mann Outdoors, and resides a few miles from the Susquehanna River near Liverpool, PA, with his wife Belinda, daughter Caitlyn and son Colton. |
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Matt Mullikin, Field Team”Go-to” Goose Call: XL Acrylic ShortyHome state: AlabamaI was born in Easton, Maryland located on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. I was introduced to the outdoors 26 years ago by my father, who lives to fish and hunt. Not only did he teach me to fish and hunt, but also taught me to respect the outdoors as a place to be preserved and set aside for all future generations to enjoy. My personal experiences in the outdoors are contained in a variety of activities. I hunt big game animals and pursue waterfowl with a passion; that has been place in my soul since birth. I am a proud member of Ducks Unlimited, Delta Waterfowl, and chapter committee member of NWTF. I also compete on the professional level in duck and goose calling contests. |
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Nick Iacopi, Field Team”Go-To” duck call: Double Trouble, Guide XT Home State: CaliforniaI was introduced to the outdoors when I was too young to walk and still in a car seat. Although I don’t remember much from those “early days”, I do remember the importance and appreciation of the outdoors that my family instilled in me at a very young age. Whether it be doves, ducks, geese, deer, whatever it was, as a family we always enjoyed viewing and chasing all game. As I got older and became of age to hunt, I enjoyed hunting deer, ducks, pheasants and doves. I remember when I was a young kid I would never sleep well the night before a dove opener or a duck hunt. The night before any duck hunt I would lie awake listening to the ducks and geese outside. Shooting time could never come fast enough. Now, at the age of 28, my true love and passion is waterfowling. I still enjoy chasing deer, doves and pheasant, but nothing comes before going to a duck blind. Today, my family owns an 84 acre duck club that we all enjoy. Enjoying wildlife is still very important to all of us and it is something that has bonded us together over the years. We make frequent trips to the Sacramento Refuge for some great wildlife viewing. I have enjoyed the company of many good people and good friends over the years but my favorite blind partner is still my dad, who I blame for my obsession. My favorite part of any duck hunt is calling the ducks, watching them work, and dog work. I have been blessed with some great dog work over the years and even more blessed to have had them as pets. I am going on my second season with my current lab, Luke, and he was a huge part of my hunting success this past season and will be for seasons to come. I am of the belief that no hunt is complete or as meaningful without a dog.I am a member of the Final Approach Pro Team and I am very excited and honored to be representing Sean Mann Outdoors. I believe that this a great company, with great people and great products. |
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Tim Skelton, Field Team”Go-To” goose call: Cocobola & Acrylic Eastern Shorty”Go-To” duck call: SS Acrylic “Black Max” Timber TalkerHome State: VirginiaTim started hunting at the age of eight years old with family members and friends on many of the waters in eastern VA. Since that time he has broadened his passion for all types of waterfowling to include divers and sea ducks on the Chesapeake Bay, Rail hunting on VA’s Eastern Shore, puddle duck hunting, and of course chasing Canada geese. Tim is married to his lovely wife Ginny and they have two boys Lucas and Jacob who also love the sport and tradition of waterfowling. He is a volunteer for Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, Virginia Department of Forestry, and USFWS. He is also a Board member for the Virginia Waterfowlers Association and is the sanction holder from Stuttgart Chamber of Commerce for the Virginia State Duck Calling Contest. Tim is a Pro Team for Final Approach and Longneck Outdoors. He enjoys passing on this great tradition of waterfowling to our youth, waterfowl Calling Contests, fishing, and anything to do with the outdoors. When not chasing waterfowl Tim can be found coaching football or hockey for his sons or watching them grow and learn to be passionate outdoorsmen. |
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Tom Ritter, Field Team”Go to” Goose Call: Eastern Shoreman “Go to” Duck Call: Timber Talker Home State: VirginiaTom has been hunting the fields and marshes of VA, MD and NC for over 35 years. Tom learned to love the outdoors from his late father and enjoys passing it on to his two sons and other young hunters. Tom’s waterfowl season starts out in Canada and continues with guiding goose and duck hunters in VA and MD. Tom is active with Ducks Unlimited and he is an adult leader with a local Boy Scout Troop. He is also on the Field Team with Final Approach and he is proud to be a part of the Sean Mann Outdoors Team. |
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Drew Widetich, Sales Team”Go to” Duck call – Wing Nutz (Coco and Bourbon) “Go to” Goose call – ShortyHome State: ColoradoI have been hunting waterfowl since I was 5 years old. I started with goose hunting and then moved to duck hunting when I was 12. Ever since then have loved waterfowling because there is always something different that is seen everytime you go out. My dad was a woodworker and made both duck and goose calls on a wood lathe and then passed down the hobby to me as I grew up. Today I still experiment with different call designs and sounds. But it was that hobby that got me hooked on waterfowling. I have lived in Colorado all of my life and currently live in the suburbs of Denver. Both plains birds and mountain birds are very close and give a wide variety of hunting opportunies that expand waterfowling knowledge that I never pass up. I have been guiding for Webbed Feet Down for 4 years now and am just getting started in the calling contests that will also expand my calling abilities. |
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Darren Camblin, Field Team ‘Go-to’ goose: Sunrise Pearl Wing Mann & Shorty Guide XT ‘Go-to’ duck: Wing Nutz Deuce Burnt Hedge/Onyx Home State: UtahI began waterfowling 7 years ago when some friends invited me to go along on the opener, since then I have been religiously pursuing the many types of ducks and big honkers here in utah. I annually chase snow geese in the spring and love the added challenge that these white devils bring to me. I am blessed with great friends and family, and a “Handsome” young son named Hunter, that cannot wait to get out in the field with dad. I began bow hunting mule deer and elk, but my interest soon shifted to waterfowl, where I now spend countless hours watching, listening, and learning from the birds. I love to share the field and blind with new friends and current friends, where I continue to learn something new each time from. I am honored to be a part of Sean Mann Outdoors and the many respected individuals that are associated with the name. Nothing makes the hair on my back stand up quite like the moan of a big Canada goose set up on the decoys! |
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Jeff Colwell, Field Team jcoutdoor@msn.comMy name is Jeff Colwell, I have been fortunate enough to have hunted waterfowl in several states and into Canada for over 30 years now. Ten years ago I knew that this was my passion and began guiding hunters on a part time basis, and eventually it became a full time seasonal job for me. I now have my own business named Front Range Guide Service here on the Front Range of Colorado. This path has taken me many places, but I couldn’t be happier than I am now with my wonderful wife Debbie and my two boys Colton and Logan here in Windsor, Colorado living my dream. |
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Brian “Slimjim” Libby, Field Team libbyj@my.uwstout.eduI have been hunting for close to 10 years and am grateful for every additional day in the field. I am currently enrolled at the University of Wisconsin- Stout and am going for Business and Marketing. When chasing geese and ducks from Minnesota to Wisconsin and into South Dakota, I need gear that can keep up and hold its own. Sean Mann calls do just that; are reliable and don’t take a doctors degree to understand how to use. Their 2 ½ decades of history at specializing in being an industry leader speaks for itself and I stand by it. I feel very privileged to be a part of the team at Sean Mann & look forward to working with them in the future.Also am on the Rig’em Right Pro Team. |
~ Camera Shy ~ | Markco PLummer, Field Team Hometown: Calgary, AB ‘Go-To’ Goose Call: SS Acrylic Shorty |
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Bill Quade, Field Team Hometown: Church Hill, MD Age: 40 ‘Go-To’ Goose Call: Express Eastern Shoreman ‘Go-To’ Duck Call: Wing Nut Custom Double Reed |
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Ken Ingo, Field TeamKen has been an outdoor enthusiast since a young child. He started off fishing with friends and family and his passion for the outdoors was born. Ken got married in 1974 and has 3 children which were raised to love the outdoors. His love for waterfowl hunting grew which led to the opening of Poorman’s Guide Service in Aug. 2000. His passion kept growing to the point where he wanted to share it with everyone. Ken started to participate in different organizations such as the NRA, Pheasants Forever, Ducks Unlimited, Delta Waterfowl and a Board member and participant for Northern Illinois Hunting and Fishing Days.Today Ken is a professional guide and outfitter, owner/ operator of Poorman’s Guide Service, certified Illinois turkey guide, V.P. Pioneer Valley Sportsman Association, ProStaffer for Bass Pro Shops,Hayes Calls, D.T. Training Systems and now proud to be part of Sean Mann Outdoors. Ken continues to show his passion by being a seminar speaker at major outdoor shows and doing seminars and guest appearances for Bass Pro Shops. He has been on TV, radio and internet shows trying to spread the word. His real mission is to get more people interested in the outdoors. |
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Caleb Gentry, Field Team Home State: MissouriI was born and raised in Northwest Missouri along the Missouri River bottoms. I started hunting at the early age of 6 with my father and grandfather, we would pursue many different types of game both large and small. But for the last 8 years I have switched gears to become a hard core waterfowler. I am able to average over three days a week in the field starting with teal season in early September, which leads into resident goose season, regular duck and goose season, and I will ultimately end up chasing those weary snows and blues into the later parts of March. Throughout the year whether it is season or not, pursuing waterfowl is on the forefront of my mind. I have been blessed throughout the many opportunities that I have had throughout the years traveling and hunting in many areas and states, but most of all the relationships that have been built and those that continue to grow through these experiences. |
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Nick Pearson, Field Team Age: 23Raised in the rural town of Paola KS, where there is not a whole lot of entertainment, hunting is really your only option. I have been hunting since the age of 5 when I shot my first squirrel, at age 6 I acquired my hunter safety card. (scored a 92 out of 100) That same year was my first waterfowl hunt; I bagged 2 blue winged teal with my single shot H&R topper and was instantly hooked. Since then I have hunted everything that walks, crawls, slithers, or flies that the state of Kansas has to offer, duck and goose being my favorite. When I was young we mostly hunted in Miami County hitting our friend’s fields, creeks, and ponds plus the marshes of Hillsdale Lake. In my later years we would travel to Perry, Clinton, Jamestown and LaCygne marshes for a change of scenery.Once I left for college located in Pittsburg, KS, I met even more waterfowlers in my fraternity so my hunting experiences and knowledge had expanded further. Now back home I spent 3 years working for Bushnell Performance Optics, Final Approach is a sister company and I am very involved in it, volunteering my time at trade shows and expanding the name whenever I can. I have recently joined the FA Field Staff as well. I am also a committee member of Ducks Unlimited in Leavenworth County and do everything I can to be involved with it.I currently reside in Shawnee KS just south of Kansas City with my fiancé and our 2 year old daughter Charlotte who quacks whenever she sees a duck. She has the sickness. |
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Brandon Solarski, Field TeamI have been hunting in New Jersey since I was ten and got my license. But, my memories of the outdoors ranges as far back as to when I could first walk when my dad would take me hunting with him. I always used to deer hunt until one day my long time hunting partner, Luke Lucas, and I were bored and decided to try our luck at some big canadian geese. So, we went out and bought ourselves six decoys and headed out the next morning. After that first flock locked up on us we had the disease. I have been chasing waterfowl every chance i can get since that first day. I have also passed the waterfowling disease onto many friends and family now, since there is nothing better than sharing the blind with great friends. Waterfowl hunting is a huge part of my life and I’m hoping I will have many more years of memories to come. |
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Derek Smiley, Field Staff llcrow@yahoo.comI’m an avid hunter from the suburbs of St. Joseph, MO. I started hunting deer with my dad when I was 9, getting my first buck at 13. It was then that I discovered my passion for hunting. As I grew up, I found other areas of hunting that I was interested in. In 2005, I was introduced to waterfowl hunting. It was immediately apparent that I had a knack for it. I was soon bagging ducks and geese left & right, and filling my walls with mounts. My favorite thing about waterfowl season is that it lasts several months as opposed to the couple of weeks for deer season. It doesn’t matter if I’m fishing for large mouth bass, bow hunting for that perfect buck, or looking down the barrel at Canada goose, as long as I’m hunting, I’m happy. |